Wednesday 25 December 2019

Is circumcision necessary for Progressive Jews and conversions?

  1. Why does Progressive Judaism insist on circumcision, and particularly for adult conversions?
  2. Rabbi Jonathan responds: Originally, the leaders of 'Liberale' in Germany felt it was not necessary - what has foreskin got to do with God? But the weight of Jewish tradition insisted, and 'what would teh orthodox say' is a powerful concern about legitimacy, so it was never abolished.  However I would say we do not always insist on it so strictly.  I suspect that in some parts (eg US) it probably goes by the way in some cases, and even in Australia, if someone put a cogent case, I'd be swayed by it (though the decision would be made by the Bet Din - Jewish Court of three people).  Also we will waive it for good medical reasons (and that includes psychological).  Finally, I would argue that if we treat girls and boys the same, and a girl and woman can be a perfectly good Jew without any physical alteration, then why can't a man?  But at the end of the day, we are balancing emotion, feeling, logic and tradition. Circumcision is biblically introduced (starting with Abraham) and described as 'a sign of the Covenant between God and 'man'). It's a tough one! 

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